Ground transportation:

One of the most original and common methods of international transportation of goods is land transportation and moving goods from one country to other countries by truck, trolley or transit. The method of transporting goods through land borders has long been the concern of big merchants, and the Silk Road and other communication routes between our countries are proof of the validity of this claim. The ground transportation method has many advantages, which are briefly stated below:

- The possibility of using the borders of all countries and expanding trade relations through land borders for countries (even countries that do not have access to waterways)

- The possibility of transporting goods from several countries by presenting the bill of lading and not checking the goods again at the customs of the countries on the way 

- The cost-effectiveness of this method compared to air and sea transportation, as well as reducing the cost of packing goods

- Fast delivery of cargo compared to sea freight

Despite the significant advantages of the ground transportation method, this method also has disadvantages that will be briefly mentioned below:

- Non-use of this method in export and import to non-adjacent countries and long routes

- The possibility of road accidents in bad weather conditions and the lack of sufficient security in some border routes or the theft of containers by bandits.

- Restrictions on carrying goods in large sizes (more than the allowed capacity of the container) and not carrying some bulky and heavy goods



This method is special for carrying all kinds of dry goods, some food, all kinds of chemical and polymer materials, stone, etc.; But at the same time, the distance between the origin and the destination and the duration of sending the cargo to the destination should also be considered. It is important to select the type of container with cargo or cargo for the correct and safe transportation of goods; For example, for some foods such as dried fruits, it is better to use dry containers (with an impermeable and dry environment) and for some other foods such as fruits and vegetables, use refrigerated containers (with an impermeable, cool and moisture-free environment). did This is when the distance between the country of origin and destination is short, otherwise, faster shipping methods or air freight are better options for sending cargo.
