International Marketing Research

Today, with the spread of requests and the variety of customers' tastes and competition in various industries, choosing a product for the consumer is no longer an unattainable task.

Consumers consider many methods for this issue, and in addition, the manufacturer should also move in the same direction.

Marketing research or marketing research is a set of processes that connects the producer and the final consumer through the collection of information. This information is used to define opportunities and threats, evaluate activities, and understand the marketing process more easily and improve its quality. “ Commercial Fardad Spadana” provides marketing research to investigate and analyze the behaviors , needs and priorities of consumers and other economic factors at the global level. This type of research seeks a deeper understanding of global markets, competitors, threats and opportunities in the international business environment .

In the meantime, countries consider many important goals in the field of marketing research, which can include goals in the field of global progress for countries. In addition, achieving these goals can establish a friendly relationship between countries, and most importantly, it can be pointed out that the development of communication through international markets unconsciously adds more details to the country's economic and cultural growth  and Considering the growth of a country's market, the level of preferences and labor laws also change in the field of import and export, and companies are obliged to implement the laws of at least two countries in the field of product production and brand.


What is marketing research?

In addition to the definition of market research, there is another concept called marketing research, as the name of this process indicates, this concept is closely related to the marketing system and businesses in addition to market knowledge.

The difference between marketing research and market research :

These two subjects are considered a small part of marketing and include the activities that take place before selling a product. Others look at it and say that these two principles have something in common in some activities, which means that activities such as market size, market trends, target market research, etc. are part of market research and separate from marketing research.

To understand this matter more easily, it can be said as follows:

Market research deals with customer recognition and behavior, and on the other hand, marketing research deals with study and analysis as well as planning to solve marketing problems in business, which is one of the main activities of “Commercial Fardad Spadana” Company. Market research is focused on one market and the result of this process cannot be related to other markets. While marketing research has a universal aspect and can be used for all aspects of solving marketing problems.

For marketing research, it is possible to optimize advertising, change the attitude towards the product and brand name, and most of all, A/B test (A/B test is a term in marketing and smart business that compares an experiment in two modes, A and B . This test is also known as split run testing and bucket tests. It is considered a very optimal method for finding the best marketing strategy for businesses. These two concepts are common in areas such as pricing, product features and demand estimation.


Points to consider in international market research: 

  1. Analysis and knowledge of target markets: knowledge and correct understanding of the needs, preferences and behaviors of consumers in the global market.
  2. Examining competitors and competitive conditions: knowing competitors and analyzing and reviewing information about similar actions in the global market leads to correct competitive planning. 
  3. Analysis of opportunities and threats: opportunities and threats in the global market and evaluating its effects on business. 
  4. Studies of the effects of existing factors: economic, political, social and cultural effects on the decisions and behaviors of consumers and companies. 
  5. Evaluation of trends and problems: analysis and investigation of economic, socio-technological and political trends and problems that may affect international trade.
  6. Investigating cultural issues: understanding different habits and behaviors of people in different markets in order to implement successful marketing programs.
  7. Using appropriate research methods: using appropriate research methods, including quantitative and qualitative research.
  8. Citing official and reliable sources: based on valid and reliable information and data to provide accurate and reliable analysis.

These points and cases are among the most important factors that must be considered for conducting international market research.


For success in international market research, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Using new technologies: using artificial intelligence data technologies and advanced data analysis to improve the accuracy and efficiency of analyses.
  2. Predicting market trends: using analytical forecasting models and forecasting methods to identify the path that the markets will probably take.
  3. Provision of comprehensive information: collecting comprehensive and complete information about the markets and factors related to them in order to ensure the use of accurate information in the analysis.
  4. Paying attention to cultural differences: considering cultural and behavioral differences in different markets and adapting marketing and commercial strategies to these differences.
  5. Paying attention to legal and ethical aspects: complying with international laws and regulations and conducting research with ethical and responsible approaches.

By considering the mentioned points, a detailed and successful analysis can be achieved in the field of international market research.

The goal of companies to enter the path of international marketing

The main reason for entering this field is to sell more and take over the majority of the sales market. In this way, the principles of marketing must be given importance to some factors such as culture, political, economic, geographic location, and social conditions of the target countries. These topics are different in different countries and play a very important role in the sales market.

Marketing research can be done by internal agents and experienced and skilled forces in the company, which is not necessary for companies to enter the international market, there are many companies that make this easy for companies with experience and specialized forces. “ Commercial Fardad Spadana” with having a lot of experience in this field and also an experienced staff in this field, can accompany you until you reach the desired result.
